Interdisciplinary Unit Studies…What and Why?

What is a unit study and why do we make them part of the MGCS experience?


  • All students can learn. They need experiences that build the context for learning.
  • Learning should be meaningful. It should connect to the real world in a real way so that they can make a difference in the sphere of influence they have been given. Learning should empower kids to make positive choices.
  • Learning is collaborative and holistic. Our world functions under the premise of relationship. Often in education we isolate our subjects and our students. Thriving classrooms take time to work together, integrate subject matter, and celebrate successes.


We’ve incorporated interdisciplinary unit studies into our K-8 program. These units are designed as extended studies of a broad topic in which teachers collaborate across disciplines. These experiential and holistic learning opportunities help students make connections between subject matter including the arts and sciences. Unit studies conclude with a celebration that provides students an audience of parents and peers to share their learning experiences. These events give students the opportunity to demonstrate new skills, share their personal thoughts, and empowers them to educate those in their sphere of influence.

Each grade level includes a unit study in the Fall and in the Spring.  This Fall, K-8 unit studies included:

  • Kindergarten – Harvest Then and Now
  • 1st Grade – Bat Study
  • 2nd Grade – Proud to Be an American Citizen
  • 3rd Grade – Earliest Americans
  • 4th Grade – The Middle Ages
  • 5th Grade – Survival Study
  • 6th Grade – Kingdom Study
  • 7th Grade – A River Study
  • 8th Grade – The Building of Colonial America

Spring studies coming soon!  If you are a parent or grandparent of an MGCS student make sure to join us for Spring unit celebrations!