The 2019-20 Annual Fund Campaign…Why does it matter?


The Annual Fund supports tuition assistance for families who otherwise might not be able to afford an MGCS education.  Tuition assistance can bring new families to MGCS or keep current families as part of our school community.


Since tuition does not fully cover the cost of an MGCS education, Annual Fund money enhances curriculum, expands programs, and supports on going school improvement initiatives.   As Christ-followers, we seek to do all things as unto the Lord.  We pursue excellence for His glory and for our student’s good. Annual Fund money aids this pursuit.


We believe that the Bible describes the world as it really is. Answers to our biggest questions are found in God’s word. This is the worldview we work to instill in our students. The student with a Biblical worldview has a system of thought that is unified, logically consistent, and relevant to every area of life. Annual Fund money helps establish a place where a Biblical world view is planted in the hearts and minds of young people.

This year’s Annual Fund campaign will be used to 

  • Enroll or retain more than 50 students
  • Support the purchase of two activity vans
  • Finish and furnish our Outdoor Learning Village

Learn more about these initiatives here or support our campaign here.