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Lunch Information

Lunch Options

At MGCS you may choose to send your child to school with a packed nutritious lunch or order from On most days about half of our students bring lunch from home. partners with local vendors in the area to offer a daily meal option for our students, staff, or visiting parents and changing its vendors on occasion to offer different choices. You can place an order by 12 PM the day before. In addition, you may also order beverages and side items to add to your menu selection.

Students will eat lunches either in their classrooms, at cafeteria tables, or in designated outdoor locations. Lunches ordered through MyHotLunchBox will be delivered to K-5 classrooms. Middle school students will pick up their lunches at the cafeteria.

If you choose to bring your child a lunch after school begins, please drop it off at the front desk.

If you are joining your child for lunch, you must check in at the front desk then proceed to the lunch area.

What Happens If My Child Forgets Their Lunch or We Didn’t Order?

Your child or the child’s teacher will call you to make arrangements.  If you are not able to bring it right away, we will allow them to eat once you are able. There are limited, pre-packaged snacks available for purchase in the lunch room.


806 Piner Rd. Wilmington, NC 28409
Phone: (910) 392-2067
Fax: (910) 792-0016

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