Spring Fling Bucket Raffle Tickets
The Bucket Raffle is always a highlight of our Spring Fling Event. Each year, with the help of our creative, energetic, and generous parents, these festive buckets raise thousands of dollars for our Rooted in Excellence fund.
Each grade level selects a theme and together, they fill a bin with items related to that theme.
- You will be able to purchase raffle tickets online in February. Tickets will be available for pick up starting on Monday 3/4. Online ticket sales will close 3/3.
- Purchase raffle tickets at school starting Monday, March 4th.
- Buckets will be on display in the Gym starting Tuesday, March 5th.
- Winners will be announced from the stage at Spring Fling on Thursday, March 6.
- You do not need to be present to win.
- Write your name and phone number on the back of each ticket…stamps or stickers also work well.
All proceeds from the Spring Fling bucket raffle will once again benefit the Annual Fund, Rooted in Excellence, which supports tuition assistance and ongoing expansion of our programs, services, and facilities.