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Beyond Academics

MGCS offers students a variety of extracurricular activities to enhance their education, to develop life skills, and to practice serving others.  In addition to athletics, middle school students are encouraged to participate in fine arts activities and electives such as worship band, concert band, art, and drama.  MGCS students may also participate in Science Olympiad events. The MGCS-sponsored team competes locally each year; for a number of years, it has qualified to compete at the state level. 

Each grade level commits to one mission project annually: each year MGCS students prepare baskets for The Lower Cape Fear Hospice staff and residents, spearhead our Operation Christmas Child efforts, raise money for Reaching Hearts, assist with local Special Olympics events, and serve throughout the community. Our middle school students serve as volunteers in our school community through Beta Club and Student Government. 

All K-8 Students participate in chapel twice a month. Speakers from local churches and ministries as well as MGCS staff and teachers educate and encourage students in their faith.    


806 Piner Rd. Wilmington, NC 28409
Phone: (910) 392-2067
Fax: (910) 792-0016

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