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Harris’ Story

Read how Harris is supported by encouraging and loving peers…

I have to admit, I was nervous about the required presidential one mile run. My daughter, Harris, is not athletically competitive. So when she came home one day describing the run, I felt a little queasy. Then when she begged me to run it with her, I took a deep breath, prayed for strength and mumbled, “Yes. ”We are not a family of runners, so I had a feeling this was going to be a painfully long nightmare for both of us.

Then the race day arrived. I showed up and quickly realized how wrong I had been. This physical education event was not a nightmare; instead, it was a fun-filled 45 minutes! What I watched that day on the fields behind Myrtle Grove Christian School was not so much a test of endurance, strength or even speed but an example of 18 of Harris’ wonderful peers cheering each other on to do their own personal best.  The first children to finish were not bragging about coming in 1st, 2nd or 3rd – instead they were catching their breath and grabbing a mouthful of water so they could go back out and run with the folks like us that were not gifted with speed. No one finished that presidential run last or alone – no one walked off of the field feeling defeated. Everyone did leave that afternoon feeling like a part of a much bigger picture of being connected, supported, and loved by your peers.

We are new to Myrtle Grove Christian School this year. My family really enjoyed our previous schools. However, this “one mile run” experience was a huge confirmation that changing schools was the best thing we could have done for our children. I watched the core values of this school play out when the kids lovingly encouraged each other to do their best and to keep running the race.

MGCS is a school that stands on God’s word above all else, and it is that Godly love and acceptance that you feel when walking through the hallways. Our girls are viewed as a whole person, wonderfully and fearfully made by God.  Their strengths are made stronger while their challenges are handled with love and understanding. The McInnis family is so happy to be a part of a loving and thoughtful community. For us, MGCS feels like an old shoe. It just fits.


806 Piner Rd. Wilmington, NC 28409
Phone: (910) 392-2067
Fax: (910) 792-0016

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