Wonder, Engage, Grow…Outdoor Learning Expands at MGCS

Students need a school where they may experience a sense of wonder, engage in authentic hands-on learning experiences, and grow in their knowledge of our Creator and His creation.  As a result of our partnership with NC State University, site visits to other schools, and our own research, we are confident that making outdoor education an integral part of the MGCS experience will help us create this innovative atmosphere for our students.  Toward that end, we introduced an exciting new plan to build a unique facility to serve as the hub of our outdoor education initiative within our 10-acre Outdoor Learning Environment.

The Outdoor Learning Village (OLV) will be an elevated octagonal structure situated in the middle of a pine grove and will provide  students with a dedicated science lab, a multipurpose classroom, student-centered learning spaces, outdoor study areas, and restrooms. Our hope is that the OLV will begin serving as a creative and practical setting for our students in all grades at some point during the 2019-2020 school year. We are excited to see how the Lord has already  provided in the midst of this initiative. Please continue to pray with us as things move forward, and consider joining with us as we build up Myrtle Grove Christian School.


Last month architects revised and improved the initial conceptual drawings, and these changes will expand this facility by about 20% to better serve our families.

We have also secured the volunteer assistance of a local construction executive and school parent to help guide the building design, budgeting and project programming.

We are in the process of drilling down numbers to get clarity on the precise costs associated with this project and have now narrowed down our list of potential contractors.

Our building committee will be interviewing these contractors in the near future and will then choose the one who is matched best to our school and this project.

We have secured financing that will cover a large portion of the total cost of the project, and donations from Spring Fling have been added to other financial gifts directed to the OLV.

We are actively seeking corporate financial partnerships over the next few months, and we will continue fundraising.