Bullying And A Biblical Worldview
“So God created mankind in his own image…”
– Genesis 1:27
“…love your neighbor as yourself.”
– Mark 12:31
Statistics indicate that between 15% and 30% of students nationwide are involved in bullying as either a perpetrator or a victim. Although MGCS is not immune from such problems, our philosophy and policies help us minimize problems and deal effectively with them when they arise. Research offers these suggestions for institutions:
1. In the article: Bullying: facts for schools and parents, Andrea Cohn and Andrea Carter cite positive school environment as a way to effectively decrease bullying. “Schools with easily understood rules of conduct, smaller class sizes, and fair discipline practices report less violence. A positive school climate will reduce bullying and victimization.”
At MGCS, our climate and culture is consistently described as warm, caring, and safe. Student Covenant and School Covenant agreements are signed at the beginning of every year by students and parents, and our expectations are clear and enforced. Our class sizes range between 18 and 22.
2. The article ”Why do kids bully? at education.com states that bullying thrives in schools where faculty and staff do not address bullying, where there is no policy against bullying, and where there is little supervision of students—especially during lunch, bathroom breaks, and recess.
At MGCS, our discipline policy is clear and enforced. It can be found on page 36 of our student handbook: http://www.mgcs.org/student-life/student-handbook. Our faculty carefully shepherd the students though the day, and work to foster healthy, student/ teacher relationships. Investing in the lives of their students is a part of our staff culture and these relationships often extend long after graduation. The bottom line is that it’s tough to hide at MGCS. Our classes are small and our teachers are veteran professionals. They watch our students like their own children.
3. Bullyingstatistics.org offers this: If the institution at which the bullying takes place does not have high standards for the way people treat each other, then bullying may be more likely and/or prevalent…”.
At MGCS, our standard is the highest and best: God’s standard as revealed in the pages of the Bible. Our school wide culture is rooted in a world view that teaches us that we are made in the image of God and bear the mark of our creator. Once students rightly understand who God is, they can accurately understand their own worth. Once rooted in this truth, they are prepared to love and care for those around them.