MGCS Purchases Additonal Land

In September, after more than eighteen months of searching and negotiating, we closed on the purchase of a ten-acre tract of land adjacent to our campus.  This is the first piece of property that MGCS has ever owned, and we rejoice in God’s provision.  This piece of property has strategic value to us in two primary ways.

1.   Safety – We want to protect the property from being developed in a way that would be detrimental to the school.  We are thankful that the purchase of this property enables us to keep our grounds self-contained and, therefore, more secure.

2.   Opportunity – This purchase also gives us the opportunity to expand our campus.  There are ways in which our current facilities do not optimally meet our needs, and we could present a compelling case to build additional space.  Our middle school enrollment is at its highest in school history.  Other possible uses include athletics and outdoor education.

As we begin to advance into this exciting new territory, please pray for direction and financial provision.  Regarding direction, ask God to give us a clear sense of vision and discernment about how to make the best use of the property.

Regarding financial provision, the purchase price of the land plus closing costs totaled approximately $535,000.  We borrowed $300,000, and we would like to retire that debt in short order.  Please pray about whether this is a purpose for which God would lead you to give.  If so, do what pleases the Lord.

I want you to appreciate how marvelously providential it is that God has brought all of this to pass at the end of our school’s thirtieth anniversary.  We started last school year with a sense of gratitude for those who had made Christian schooling available to a generation of children and a sense of responsibility to ensure that our school remained vibrant and healthy for the next generation.  I believe this land purchase is a significant step in fulfilling our responsibility to the coming generation.  To God be the glory, great things He has done – and continues to do.